
License #631304. (C55 & C36)

COVID-19 Update

To protect both our employees and customers we have taken precautions that will change the way we operate.

    • Below are some of the changes:

      • Office staff will be limited. Please be patient when calling.
      • We no longer allow office or warehouse product pick-ups. We still ship products out.
      • Our technicians will be wearing latex gloves and foot protection while performing service.
      • We ask that everyone gives our technicians at least 6 feet of space while performing service.
      • We ask to not have physical contact with our technicians such as shaking hands or other means.
      • Electronic invoicing is available on request.
      • We ask that you cancel your appointment if you or anyone is sick or feeling sick in the home.

Any special requests can be directed to 858-694-0929